Interview With The Artist: James Chaney

By: Courtney Glover McElwee Today I interviewed the deviantArt artist James Chaney. James, or JcoolArts on dA, was born in Arizona. He’s been drawing since he was about 3 or 4 years old. James told me that he didn’t really start intentionally practicing until 2012. There was a long period in his life where he didn’t draw much at all. “I regret that in hindsight, but everything has its reason, I suppose.” The first type of art he was able to draw consistently were mazes. Big 8.5 by 11 mazes that looked like squishy brains, according to James. “I still will make one every now and again if bored, but people never really want to tackle my mazes though because of their extreme difficulty. His very first inspiration was Bob Ross. Other inspirations of his include Tim Burton and a few other artists from deviantArt. “One day I was sitting in the car drawing a Tim Burton inspired graveyard on some scrap paper. I looked down and I saw something I actually liked...