Has The Entire World Gone Mad?

What kind of world are we leaving our children and future generations? Since when is it socially acceptable to bully, threaten, attack, or even kill an individual simply because they don’t wear a mask? Granted, it is state law in many places to wear a mask inside businesses or out in public. Yet to openly engage someone for not wearing one? Really people?! Has the entire world gone mad? What happened to common curtesy or simply getting a manager to deal with an issue you’re having with another patron? No, instead you form a violent mob around them, cursing at them, and threatening their lives. Or worse, you shoot and kill someone because they publicly disagreed with you. This country is supposed to be the land of the free. Seems like it’s steadily becoming the land of the “Do As I Say And Not As I Do” instead. The fact is, our freedoms are being stripped away from us one by one, and most people haven’t even noticed. And yes, for the record, I do wear a mask. I wear one whether it’...