BLM Mural Now Under 24 Hour Surveillance

While the crime rates soars higher by the day in New York City, police officials are now burdened with the responsibility of guarding a BLM street painting. Mayor De Blasio has ordered an around the clock protection watch of the mural. Twenty-seven police officers, including one sergeant per shift, to guard the mural. That’s nine total police officials 3x per day. Apparently this now takes priority above all else. That’s nine police officers, at any given time, not protecting New York City and it’s people. Nine less police officers keeping residents safe, stopping drug dealers, arresting murderers, and patrolling the streets. I think it’s safe to say that NYC’s mayor does not have his residents’ best interest at heart. Nor, would it seem, does he have his priorities in proper order. And I think most people will agree, that the safety of your city’s residents is much more important than guarding a mural. He won’t protect NYC’s memorials or statues, but he can protect it’s mur...