The Failed Me Too Movement

The “Me Too” movement has lost its way. The “Me Too” movement that once protected victims of assault has sadly become nothing more than a modern day witch-hunt. One cannot even hug, pat an individual on the back, or ask someone out on a date, without fearing that they themselves may be accused of sexual misconduct. Which seems to be an ongoing theme in society today. The U.S. being the primary country where this has become a common everyday occurrence. Heaven help anyone who is accused of such behavior. These now blacklisted individuals sued for their entire life-savings in a one-sided court case. Their lives forever ruined. Finding themselves suddenly unemployed, their families torn apart, and facing possible incarceration. All because an attention starved individual wants their 15 minutes of fame. It’s completely heartbreaking! In a few cases, no real proof ever being presented to the judge or jury. And in other cases, judges are presented with undeniable proof of innocenc...