Interview With The Artist: Taly

By: Courtney Glover McElwee Today I interviewed the artist, Taly. Taly is a 30 year old artist from parts unknown. Known as TrollGirl on DeviantArt, Taly is an amazingly and gifted young woman. I’ve been a fan of her work forever and she never disappoints with her beautifully creative and colorful artwork. She is so gifted as an artist, that many of her pieces have become tattoos, forever on the truest canvas of life, the human body. Let’s just say, I know who my next tattoo design will be from! Taly has been creating art for 27 years now. She may have only been three when she created her first masterpiece, but I have no doubt that this is her true calling. Taly has been a member of DeviantArt for 13 years now and her art never ceases to inspire and stir the imagination. She describes her style as fantasy and animal art, with the occasional touch of surrealism and horror. I asked her what inspired her to be an artist, she replied “The bor...