Never Judge A Book By Its Cover Or A Dog By Its Breed
The name “pit bull” is in all actuality a very generic term that is applied to several different breeds that include the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier and hundreds of mixed breed canines of similar physical appearance. The term “pit bull” is often based on how a dog looks and not based on an actual breed. This more than often leads to misplaced blame on the actual pit bull breed. Despite most news reports, pit bulls are not (inherently) dangerous. Any dog, any breed, can become aggressive or violent due to abuse, lack of proper training, or simply a bad owner. Pit bulls, just like any dog, with proper training and respect can be a loving and kind pet, with very little to no (negative traits). According to the American Temperament Test Society , even dogs normally seen as kind and gentle like Chihuahuas have a lower rate of temperament than pit bulls. Pit Bull Terriers passed with a rate of 82.6% for high temperament. Just because a dog breed i...