Spotify Releases It's New Music Policy
For those of you who use Spotify, you may notice some missing music on the website. Spotify recently implemented it’s new “hateful conduct” policy this past Thursday. Several artists have had their music deleted from the site’s playlists due to the new policy. The Spotify website was quoted saying, “We don’t censor content because of an artist’s or creator’s behavior, but we want ou r editorial decisions-what we choose to program-to reflect our values.” The company spokesman said: “Our policy at this time is to not actively promote artists we feel are not in line with our values. We will not be removing their catalogs. This policy will evolve over time as we move forward.” Two of Spotify’s artists that have recently been affected by the new policy include R. Kelly and the rapper known as XXXTentacion. No word yet on who may be next to have their music affected by this new policy. R. Kelly was reportedly not happy with Spotify’s decision. Spotify’s new “Hateful Content a...