Best Beaches In Louisiana For Beach Combing

Lots of people these days collect sea glass and sea shells. I personally have a huge collection of seashells, but would love to find more sea glass. Sea glass, even broken pieces of pottery that have washed up on the beach, are considered very valuable. Not to mention, they make beautiful jewelry. They are several places in California that have beaches full of sea glass, but unfortunately there are not many in Louisiana. But I have managed to find three beaches here where you can find all sorts of beach treasures. Those three places are Holly Beach, Cameron Jetty, and Grand Isle. Holly Beach, where I’ve visited twice, is a treasure trove for beachcombing if you go right after a huge storm. Cameron Jetty is just up the road from there. Grand Isle is a bit further on from there, about a five-hour drive east of Holly Beach. Sea glass has often been referred to as “mermaid tears”, and it’s understan...