Real Life Mermaids
For as long as humans have been on this Earth, there have been tales of mer creatures. Fantastical beings living right along side of us, hidden in the depths of the sea, lakes and other bodies of water. From the Syrian goddess Atargatis to Ea, the Babylonian god of the sea. Of course Atargatis, goddess of the moon and water, being the very oldest of mermaid legends. While Ea was later adopted by the ancient Greeks and Romans to become Poseidon and Neptune. Both deities being approximately 4000 years old. Then you have Naiades, also known as water nymphs. The most famous nymph, of course, being Calypso from Homer’s The Odyssey. The most recent siting of these majestic and fantastical creatures was in 2012. Construction crews in Zimbabwe, while building dams, refused to complete their work. They claimed that local mermaids, known as mamba muntu, were violently harassing them. Fearing for their lives, the construction workers abandoned their work, vowing never to return ...