It’s Called Accountability

I’m honestly confused by how some people think. I specifically mean Radical Leftists. Radical Leftists, by definition, being those who believe anarchy is justifiable. Those who believe in socialism, communism, and marxism. Many democrats, including Radical Leftists, believe in providing for undocumented and illegal immigrants. They place the importance of those that are here illegally over the importance of our own legal U.S. citizens. I cannot even begin to understand the thought process behind this. We cannot take care of our own U.S. citizens, like the homeless, repairing the broken education system, or overhauling the broken mental health system, but the Radical Left is all for financially supporting illegals’ housing and college educations. By them doing this, it means they’re placing the health and well being of illegal immigrants over the health and well being of our own U.S. citizens, which includes legal immigrants that worked hard to attain legal citizenship. All the whi...