Interview With The Artist: Mike Benson

By: Courtney Glover McElwee Today I had the great pleasure of interviewing one of the best photographers around, Mike Benson. Mike is known as IMikeMedia on DeviantArt. Mike is a 57 year old artist from Oxford, Alabama and has been creating beautiful art on dA for six years now. Mike is a digital photographer and creates photographic manipulations. When asked what got him started in digital photography, he replied “ A couple of years ago I took a phone pic of a trout that I just caught. I've since then found an online program in which I can manipulate that same photograph in hundreds of ways and colors.” He first became interested in art in the first grade. His first piece was a drawing of a sea otter in the ocean. “I spent most of my childhood and teen years in drawing/sketching. That eventually evolved into 35 mm photography.” His favorite types of art to create is photographic manipulation and illustration. “I love to see creative, colorful photographic mani...