It’s Called Accountability

I’m honestly confused by how some people think. I specifically mean Radical Leftists. Radical Leftists, by definition, being those who believe anarchy is justifiable. Those who believe in socialism, communism, and marxism. 

Many democrats, including Radical Leftists, believe in providing for undocumented and illegal immigrants. They place the importance of those that are here illegally over the importance of our own legal U.S. citizens. I cannot even begin to understand the thought process behind this. We cannot take care of our own U.S. citizens, like the homeless, repairing the broken education system, or overhauling the broken mental health system, but the Radical Left is all for financially supporting illegals’ housing and college educations. By them doing this, it means they’re placing the health and well being of illegal immigrants over the health and well being of our own U.S. citizens, which includes legal immigrants that worked hard to attain legal citizenship.

All the while, the Radical Left wants to defund our police. The same police who put their lives on the line every single day to protect us. The Radical Left is allowing these violent protesters, looters, and arsonists to run around destroying everything in sight with zero consequences. This is nothing more than an attack on our country and our freedoms. This is nothing but anarchy and an act of terrorism. People and businesses living in fear due to criminals going around unchecked. The crime rates soaring astronomically in towns and cities. 

This is the most free country in the world. Stop with the Radical Leftist lie about white privilege and stop with the whole idea of anyone in this country being oppressed. Everyone has a choice and we all have the same opportunities to do more and be better. When it comes down to it, it’s a matter of how badly we want it. It’s about what we’re willing to do to make a better life for ourselves and our families. It’s about accountability. Holding ourselves accountable for the decisions we make. No one in this life owes you anything. Burning it all down, demanding federal funds to fix what you yourself destroyed, then crying because the President refuses to give in to your childish demands?! Every single person is accountable for their own actions, whether anyone likes it or not. 



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