Never Judge A Book By Its Cover Or A Dog By Its Breed

The name “pit bull” is in all actuality a very generic term that is applied to several different breeds that include the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier and hundreds of mixed breed canines of similar physical appearance. The term “pit bull” is often based on how a dog looks and not based on an actual breed. This more than often leads to misplaced blame on the actual pit bull breed.

Despite most news reports, pit bulls are not (inherently) dangerous. Any dog, any breed, can become aggressive or violent due to abuse, lack of proper training, or simply a bad owner. Pit bulls, just like any dog, with proper training and respect can be a loving and kind pet, with very little to no (negative traits).

According to the American Temperament Test Society, even dogs normally seen as kind and gentle like Chihuahuas have a lower rate of temperament than pit bulls. Pit Bull Terriers passed with a rate of 82.6% for high temperament. Just because a dog breed is small doesn’t necessarily mean it’s kind or gentle.

Most dog bite stats are inaccurately reported and therefore cause the news to paint a picture of the pit bull breed as the main perpetrator in bite incidents. When in truth, there are much more dangerous dog breeds out there. In my experience, the smaller the breed of the dog, the more vicious. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, and I’m paraphrasing here, it’s not possible to calculate a bite rate for a specific breed because mixed breeds are commonly described as purebreds. The actual number of bites that occurs in a community are not known if they did not result in serious injury. Please click here for the original story and full quote: American Veterinary Medical Association

Of course, when someone reports a dog bite or dog attack, no one knows the whole story behind it. In most cases, the attack happened due to poor training or abuse on the part of the owner. The news never seems to report a case of a chihuahua attack or an attack by a chow. It doesn’t help that “pit bulls” are very often misidentified.

My point in all this, never judge a book by its cover or a dog by its breed. I have owned pit bulls and “pit bull” type breeds and never had a moment’s trouble with them. However, the two times in my life when I was bitten by a dog, one was a chihuahua and the other was a labrador. The one time my daughter was ever bitten by a dog, it was a chihuahua also. Any dog, small breed or large breed, can be vicious and aggressive. And any dog breed, large or small, can be a loving and kind family pet.


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