The Evil Eye

The evil eye protection charm is a blue talisman that is round in shape, typically made of glass. The talisman contains an outer dark blue circle, an inner white circle, followed by an innermost light blue circle with a black dot (as in the eye’s pupil) painted on it. It is a protection charm that an individual wears, or carries, to protect themselves from any and all unwanted danger and/or evil spirits. Legend says the evil eye protective charm calls upon an otherworldly presence that reflects any malicious and vengeful glares/curses from a spiteful individual. The spiteful person believing that an innocent person (the victim of the curse) somehow wronged them, and so wishes harm towards that innocent individual. 

The evil eye talisman (or charm) was created to protect someone from this evil eye curse. Even though these protective charms are also referred to as "evil eyes", their purpose is to protect the bearer, not harm. Another popular talisman is the Hamsa (also depicting an evil eye) which protects the bearer from any ill will or harm.

The hamsa is a palm-shaped talisman depicting the open (right) hand. The hamsa is an image recognized the world over, and used as a symbol of protection throughout history. The hamsa is believed by some, including Greeks, Muslims, and Jewish people, to provide protection and defense against the evil eye (the curse, not the talisman). The hamsa is also known as the Hand of Fatima, the Hand of Mary, and the Hand of Miriam. 

Personally, I choose the holy cross as my divine protective symbol. I also choose to respect other cultures and their religious beliefs. I find the evil eye protection and hamsa talismans to be very beautiful works of art. I believe in surrounding myself with all symbols of God’s protection and love. 


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