5 Ways To Deal With A Failed Friendship

Losing a best friend is never easy. You're upset that you and him/her are no longer friends, but the sooner you get past all of it, the sooner you can move on with your life. You have to allow yourself time to heal your broken heart. You'll never forget your friendship with them, but it's important to stay positive and allow yourself to move on to new and better things.

First, allow yourself to grieve the loss of your friendship. Write a letter to him or her, but don't send it. Express to them how they made you feel by ending their friendship with you. Here's your chance to tell them everything you didn't get to say before. Say everything you need to, everything you're feeling right now. When you're done writing it, either keep it or burn it.

Second, accept some of the blame, but not all of it. Consider the fact that you may have contributed to the loss of your friendship. Even if you did everything you could to try be a good friend, you might have done things differently along the way. The other person also carries some of the blame, too. No one is perfect. Don't take all the blame for everything ending badly between the two of you, but don't place the entire blame on them either. Avoid the urge to say that they're entirely to blame, or that everything is their fault. 

Thirdly, avoid fixating on the past. Once you've had time to grieve, you should try to move on. Try not to think too much about your former friend. Instead, concentrate on the present and what you are doing right now. You can try listening to some music or hanging out with other friends. Keep in mind that some friendships may take more time to get over and that every person grieves at their own pace. There is no set time limit for this.

Fourth, try getting a new hobby. Try something new, anything that can help keep you active and your mind off the loss of your friendship. Any activity to help you focus more on you and less on them. You could try writing, photography, poetry, painting, hiking, anything really. The most important thing is to give you something to look forward to every day. 

Fifth, learn to nurture your other existing friendships. You can now take the time you use to spend with your old friendship and focus that energy on your other friendships. Try making some new friends as well. Be sure to avoid being clingy, needy, or overly-demanding with your other friends. When trying to initiate a new friendship, sometimes just saying hello is often enough to start a conversation. The point is to just get out there and try. 

So basically, focus on you and just being happy and positive. Allow your soul to grieve and your heart to heal. Focus on a new hobby or activity, concentrate on the present, and spend time with friends. Part of you will always miss your ex-best friend, but taking these simple steps will help your heart to heal. 


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