The Failed Me Too Movement

The “Me Too” movement has lost its way. The “Me Too” movement that once protected victims of assault has sadly become nothing more than a modern day witch-hunt. One cannot even hug, pat an individual on the back, or ask someone out on a date, without fearing that they themselves may be accused of sexual misconduct. Which seems to be an ongoing theme in society today. The U.S. being the primary country where this has become a common everyday occurrence. 

Heaven help anyone who is accused of such behavior. These now blacklisted individuals sued for their entire life-savings in a one-sided court case. Their lives forever ruined. Finding themselves suddenly unemployed, their families torn apart, and facing possible incarceration. All because an attention starved individual wants their 15 minutes of fame. It’s completely heartbreaking! 

In a few cases, no real proof ever being presented to the judge or jury. And in other cases, judges are presented with undeniable proof of innocence, but the individual is still found guilty. And if not by the court then certainly by society. Many of the accusations nothing more than appalling lies from the sadistic mouths of attention-seeking, crazed individuals. But these unfounded accusations, in today’s society, elicit an immediate guilty verdict for the accused. No court trial and no jury of one’s peers. No innocent until proven guilty, which is our right by law. Our forefathers are surely crying out in both anger and shame. Shaking their heads in immense disappointment to see how far our nation has fallen. While those of us, seeing the dire need for reformation of our court systems, face unyielding walls of indifference and inaction.

I wholeheartedly believe that anyone who actually commits any act of sexual harassment or sexual assault should be punished, to the fullest extent of the law. And I have no doubt that many of the victims, were in fact, actually telling the truth. But it does not change the fact that the “Me Too” movement has completely gone off the rails. 

It is clearly obvious that the founders of this admirable movement have unmistakably fallen short of their intended goals. Because of this, fabricated falsehoods coupled with malicious intentions now run rampant in the hallowed halls of justice. Those who only seek attention and money, filling up the courtrooms where honesty and integrity once reigned. It is unfathomable how the validity of many of these claims never even require a single shred of proof. No authentication, confirmation, or documentation required. One more example of how our opinions, unfortunately, rule supreme in today's society. 

Instead of judging a person on a single, possibly biased, accusation, we need to accept that person’s possible innocence. Individuals need to start fully accepting the possibility that we, as humans, are not always right. Lastly, we need to greatly improve our ability to discern those of true and honest intent from those with hostile and destructive motives. 


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