What To Do When Your Heart Gets Broken

By: Courtney Glover

First, stop crying. If you’re anything like me, you’re a very emotional person. And you cry, a lot. You cry when you’re sad, or when you’re angry, or even when you’re happy. You have no problem expressing your feelings or emotions. Some people just can’t handle that. But that’s their problem, not yours. But you have to stop crying. You’re emotionally distraught right now and the one you love the most just ripped your heart out of your chest. He just ripped it right out, threw it on the ground and stomped on it. But you still love him, with all the broken pieces of your heart. You can’t help it. He’s the love of your life, you’re best friend. You’ve already gone through a whole box of tissues, looked at every single photo you have of him, and probably even ate an entire half-gallon of chocolate ice cream. And you just can’t stop crying. No matter what his reason is, and it’s always something lame or stupid, you just can’t comprehend why he did it. And if you’re anything like me, it’s probably not the first time he’s hurt you, either. But you love him, so you give him chance after chance to make things right. Still, you have to stop crying. No, there’s nothing wrong with crying and getting it all out of your system, but he doesn’t deserve your tears. He deserves a swift kick in the butt or a hard slap to the face. But he never deserves your tears, so you have to stop crying.

Second, put him out of your mind. Take every photo you have of him and burn it. If they’re on your phone or computer, delete all of them. Every single photo. If you have anything he gave you, rip it to shreds and then burn it, too. You don’t need anything that might remind you of him. He doesn’t deserve your fond memories of him. He deserves your hatred, your resentment, and he deserves you forgetting that he ever existed. No man is worth a broken heart, so put him out of your mind.

Third, move on with your life. Put on your cutest, sexiest outfit. Wear makeup, jewelry and fix your hair. Then go out to places where you know he might be, or online where he might see you, and remind him what he’s missing and why he never should have left you. Flirt with guys in front of him and act is if he’s not even there. Date his friends, even. Remind him of what he lost, what he gave up. Just get on with your life and show him and anyone else that you’re worth missing. Get a new hair-style, paint your nails, or buy a new outfit. Just focus on more of you and less of him. Until you start to move on with your life, you’ll never start to get over him. You have to put a smile on your face, hold your head high, and make him think you could care less about him. Eventually you’ll think about him less and less. Then maybe a day will come when you don’t think about him at all. But that will never happen, and your heart will never start to heal, until you start moving on with your life.

I know it’s hard, believe me I know. I have been there too many times to count. When you love, you love deeply and strongly. Your love is loyal and fierce. You will hurt for awhile, but after all is said and done you’ll be a stronger person for it. One day, even though it doesn’t seem like it right now, you will be happy. Just remember, you’re worth a whole lot more than some stupid jerk like him could ever even hope to have. You deserve to be happy. You deserve respect and kindness. Most of all, you deserve to be loved. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve, ever.


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