Interview With The Artist: Andy Hutchinson

Today I had the great pleasure of interviewing the amazing and talented journalist and photographer, Andy Hutchinson. Andy, a 51 year old artist from the South Coast NSW in Australia, has been on DeviantArt for about 17 years now. When first joining the site, he went by the gamer tag, Dokt, but now goes his real name on there. His photography can only be described as breathtakingly beautiful.

Andy first became interested in photography when he was only 11 years old, taking a photo of a small brook near his childhood home. He recalls, “It was a black and white shot that I developed and printed myself.” That first photo had a huge impact on him and he hasn’t put his camera down since. Andy’s been a photographer for 40 years now.

When asked what inspired him, he replied “Since I started working long before digital technology, I enjoyed the science aspect of it. The actual developing and printing of a photo, and working in a darkroom.”

His favorite subject to photograph are landscapes. To be more specific, sunrises and sunsets, preferably at a beach. I asked him what his favorite type of camera to use was, “I have a Cannon, but the technology is so good these days that, as long as you’re shooting raw, I don’t think it matters very much what you use.” A raw image is to take a photo and not altering it in any way.

His advice for people just starting out with photography, “Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and what everyone else is photographing. Take photos of stuff that hasn’t been photographed before.”

You can check out all of his beautiful photos @

His website @

His travel blog @

Twitter @


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