Enough Is Enough

Protesters are tearing down statues and destroying monuments. Why? Because it offends them. How does it offend them? It just does. Doesn’t matter if it’s Washington, the founder of our great nation or slavery abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Doesn’t matter if it’s the Tuskegee Airmen, who were black or Mahatma Ghandi’s statue, a man of peace, or the famous Hans Christian Anderson’s Little Mermaid statue. Every single statue or monument ever built offends and outrages these so called “peaceful protesters”. But they’re not peaceful, far from it. They’re looting, burning, and attacking innocent individuals. That’s not peaceful, it’s anarchy and domestic terrorism. The radical left claims it’s about black lives mattering and oppression by white people. Yet they are destroying statues and monuments of every ethnicity. They’re looting and burning black owned businesses. According to (D) Alexandria Ocasia Cortez, the protestors are looting to feed their families. Even though they’re receiving unemployment or government assistance. Not sure how stealing TVs and burning businesses down will feed anyone’s family, though. And what’s worse is that the same mayors and governors who allowed the total destruction of their cities and states now want, expect, the United States government to financially bail them out. If that’s not the insane cherry on top, then I’m not sure what is. Also, these same democratic officials are choosing to pardon these violent offenders, these “peaceful protesters” from any and all crimes they committed against our great country during the riots. Burn a building down? You’re free to go. Trespass on private property and threaten homeowners with violence? You’re free to go. Threaten to harm a pregnant woman and her husband? You’re free to go. Unbelievable! And as far as all these U.S. hating citizens, these violent mobs, these flag burning anti-American  individuals go, not one of them deserves a single dime from the U.S. government. If anyone hates this country, our flag, and free speech that much, you’re free to leave and move to one of the other hundreds of countries available. 


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