The Effects of Social Media on Today’s Society

When do we, as individuals, become too opinionated, oblivious of the consequences? When did we become a nation of “keyboard warriors”? In truth, we all believe that it would be a perfect world if everyone thought as we do. Yet we all know that this is impossible considering how numerous our society’s beliefs and opinions have become. Everyone having their own distinct personalities with their own unique views.

It often seems that social media can be a bit too much at times. A society where everyone seems to be posting and sharing their every opinion, thought, and view on quite literally everything. In centuries past, most individuals would keep their opinions to themselves, unless asked. However, those days are long past. Everyone wanting to give their two cents’ worth, whether warranted or not. 

It would seem to me that the truth often offends. That’s called life, and in life not everyone is going to agree with you. In life, eventually someone somewhere may inadvertently hurt your feelings. As adults, we need to either accept it, or ignore it, and move on with our lives. We see it every day though, everywhere we look. People that are so easily offended that everything must be watered down for fear of retaliation of some varying degree. How can we be so insistent on being heard, but at the same time, so insulted by others who also want to just be heard?

If we expect our voices and opinions to be not only heard but also validated, then we need to give others that same respect. As a society, we desperately need to stop being so easily offended as well. It’s time we all start holding ourselves accountable and stop attempting to silence the opposing side, whatever that side may be. 


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