Control And Manipulation

There are many different types of abuse, including physical, emotional (or mental), and verbal. Then there are those who seek their power, or enjoyment, from controlling and/or manipulating a person. Control and manipulation are also forms of abuse. And just like emotional and verbal abuse, being controlled or manipulated by another person leaves deep emotional scarring that never fully heals. None of these are acceptable behavior towards another living soul. 

Controlling, abusive, and manipulative individuals never seem to question themselves or their actions. These abusers never bother to take the time to stop and wonder if they themselves are the problem. Instead, they simply choose to believe the fault lies with someone else. Always placing the blame on anyone and anything, never accepting any responsibility for their actions. They use their friends and family members for their own personal gain, and in return they needlessly complain that no one has ever done anything for them. Their sole purpose is to control everyone and everything around them. 

The abuser expects everyone, especially those they claim to love, to conform to their ideas of what is right and perfect in their eyes. They expect everyone to think as they do, feel as they do, believe as they do. When someone doesn’t comply, the abusive individual will lash out towards their loved ones, in a childish temper tantrum. They will become angry and violent towards their victims. They will always hurt the ones they claim to love the most. They accuse you, the victim, of never really caring for them in the first place.

These abusers are nothing more than energy vampires, so to speak. They feed off of our emotions and our energy, until there is nothing left. Abusive individuals lack empathy and sympathy for any living thing. They have this insistent need to inflict some type of emotional or physical pain onto another living soul. Once they have achieved this, they revel in the damage that they have caused. Their insecurities force them to isolate you from your family and friends. They attempt to convince you that they (the manipulator) are all you ever need. 

So convinced in their own delusions, they truly believe that they are the only one who knows what is best for you. But no matter how much you love them, they will never change and you will never be good enough for them, ever. And what’s worse, is that they are so good at what they do, they’ll fool everyone into believing that they, the abuser, are the good guy. Convincing everyone that you, the true victim, are the crazy one and the one with issues. When in truth, you are the only one who actually sees the abusive behavior for what it actually is and that makes you a true threat to them. And when the abuser can’t control you any longer, they’ll use any excuse to push you away and remove you from their lives. Attempting to turn everyone in your life against you. 

If someone expects, demands, that you change for them physically, there’s a high probability that they’re attempting to manipulate you. If someone tries to convince you that you’re not good enough just the way you are, they’re most likely trying to control you. If someone knowingly and intentionally inflicts emotional or physical pain on you, and never bothers to even apologize for it, there’s a good chance that they’re abusive. If someone constantly makes you feel bad about yourself, then you might want to reevaluate your relationship with them. 


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