More Tolerance, More Kindness

There’s a point of no return once we move past mere acceptance, straight into denying ourselves our own civil rights and liberties. We live in a country where it has become unacceptable to pray in public, pray in schools, and recite the American pledge of allegiance, in America! A country where one cannot even say ‘Merry Christmas’ to another person without fear of offending someone. 

Despite what some may believe, America was founded on a devout belief in God and a deeply profound pride in one’s country. Our forefathers founded our nation, the birthplace of freedom, on these two important principles. Yet every day we are shamed into giving up our rights and beliefs to accommodate those who are too close-minded to do the same for us. We are made to feel ashamed of who we are as Christians and Patriots. We are made to feel guilt-ridden, shamed into what is “normal” or “acceptable” in society just to please others, and to avoid offending someone.

I’m not saying any of this to be purposely offensive. I am only saying that everyone in this great nation of ours must be tolerant of everyone’s religious and cultural beliefs. A nation in which we are never expected to give up our core values, or religious beliefs, just to accommodate another individual.

People come here every day, desperately desiring to become a citizen of this country because it is supposedly the land of freedoms. Yet we, who were born here, are expected to hide/give up our language, Christian values, and pride of country to appease the masses and not offend others, in our own country! While others give up nothing of their’s in return. Someone please tell me how that is right or acceptable in any way?

I may sound like a broken record, but I cannot stress this point enough. This world that we live in not only needs more tolerance, but it requires more kindness as well. It costs nothing for a person to be kind, nothing at all.


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