Interview With The Artist: Connie

By: Courtney Glover McElwee Today I interviewed the artist Connie. Connie is a 13 year old artist known as Cursed-Image-420 on DeviantArt . She’s been drawing since she was 10 years old and eventually moved on to digital art. The first thing she ever drew were stickmen and her technique has improved over the last three years. I asked her what inspired her to start drawing, “Just needed something to do with my free time, but eventually it became sort of an escape for me in general.” Her favorite thing to draw i s Anthro. Anthro, refers to the G reek word anthropos meaning human. Anthro art refers to humans, human-like, or humanoids, especially with regard to sentience. Anthro art can be an animal with human characteristics or a human with animal characteristics. She uses a Wacom Intuos Draw to create her anthro art. Connie has been on DeviantArt for only four months and if you visit her page you can’t help but notice her unique sense of hu...